Every tree has different needs and practices required to remain healthy and grow. After planting, tree’s often need an abundance of nutrients from fertilization programs. Our landscaping experts have years of experience strengthening all types of trees, ensuring their health and consistent growth for years to come.
Like people, trees benefit from extra vitamins and care. Tree fertilization provides nutrients that that help trees breakdown essential elements more quickly. This allows them to heal and grow at a healthy and consistent rate. In more urban settings, trees can sometimes suffer from too little sun, and thus benefit from fertilization due to the essential vitamins they lack caused by the shade of big buildings.
Oberndorfer understands the beauty well-cared for trees can bring to your home, and take pride in keeping your yard’s natural aesthetic stable and thriving for years to come.
When to Fertilize Trees
Trees remain active until the temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, which is usually much longer after leaves begin to fall during the change of the season. Physical signs that your tree might need fertilization include:
Smaller leaves
Yellow leaves in spring or summer
Stunted overall growth
Younger trees, like children, can always benefit from extra nutrients to encourage healthy growth. Tree fertilization can be done on your own, but is best left to the professionals. Oberndorfer has the knowledge and expertise to individually treat each tree as needed to promote healthy, consistent growth.